About the Celebrating Ordinary Moments Blog

Mission Statement
Thank you for checking out my blog. I started this blog to create a place where people are able to find inspiration and share ideas. I find myself surfing the web looking for inspiration that is unique and different. If I find an interesting tutorial I'll share it with you. I will include a "live" link back to the original blog, store or web site so that you may have the option to visit and learn more about the designer and other services, class or kits they may offer. By posting tutorials I am hoping to help inspire people that are interested in creating something fresh and new.

Terms of Use for my Personal Designs or Patterns.
When listing completed projects on eBay, blogs, etsy, facebook, personal websites, forums or online venues, or if using these patterns for a project submitted to magazines or other publications, it is required that credit be given to Corrine Paul in a reasonably visible way. Example; “Pattern used from Corrine Paul"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

********CHECKING INTERTEST*********

I'm looking for blogs to participate in a blog hop
Celebrating Ordinary Moments will host a "Three's a Charm" Blog Hop on May 6, 7 & 8th. Day 1 (May 6) post a "spring themed item". Day 2, National Scrapbook Day "Blog Crop", like a crop marathon, start working on projects (at 9am) & post each item when completed before moving on to another. Day 3 (May 8th) post a "Mother's Day" themed item. If interested sign in below with your name & a link to your blog.
If you sign up for this hop you should not sign up for any other hop during the same three days. Saturday May 7th, our "Blog Crop" for National Scrapbook Day will take most of your time.


  1. I so wish I could do this with you, but it is the weekend of my daughter's birthday party so I can not be part of the crop. I could post the other two projects and have some things ready for before and after the party if I have time?

  2. That will for me if it works for you. Do you want me to add you to our Facebook Group?

  3. This is the Blog Hop Facebook Group page.!/home.php?sk=group_122254757848644&ap=1

  4. You could go there and sign up for the hop. Just leave your name and blog link. Okeydokie? If anyone else is interested feel FREE to do the same. I'd love to have as many as possible join in and play.

  5. Yes pelase add me to the facebook group and I will go there as well.. Super excited my first HOP!!!

  6. L.B. Please send me your Facebook name so I can add you. You can chat me on Facebook or email me the information at My personal Face page is Corrine Paul OR you can chat me on this blog's Facebook page which is in the left hand column of this blog above my head. LOL Thanks so much. I am super excited!!

  7. I want to sign up!!! my facebook is kacee McVic
    I use the same pic as in my profile... Can you please confirm if I get in?

  8. okay finally sent my facebook request it will come with my whole name on it..

  9. Excellent!! Thank you. McVic I am going to the group page to sign you up and L.B. THANK YOU I got it and i will sign you up too. I am so excited aren't you?? THANK YOU.... anyone else?

    The Facebook group is Three's A Charm Blog Hop and Crop.

  10. Kacee could you send me a fried request so I can add you to the group. Thanks Bunches~ = )

  11. L.B. I got your email and added you to the line up. THANKS = )
